Jul 2, 2014
A Shanty
grim grimmer
missed the boat now
swim it
your meaty heart will
mute sink
rocks in your head grind
in' think
the tide doesn't turn
it rolls
under water dred
ging souls
pressure to go up
and rise
"Those were pearls that were
his eyes"
drift down sink far
be done
dry land was never
any fun
Jun 25, 2014
Fever Tree (Jim and Janis)
Jim and Janis
He said he'd once been the Lizard King
but that was some years ago
He'd gone into obscurity or normal life depending
on where you live or who you know
There wasn't any recognizing him except for a sullen growl
and without the awareness I'd hear it
No irony to note a beer gut which stretched his
Iron Butterfly (original) to a Mothra girth tee-shirt
Jim had watery eyes and a smoker's smile that promised things
like Flicks candy at the movies "Let's go see The Who tonight!"
and his smelly weed smell filled the car before we went in to the show
and he laughed all during Keith Moon jumpsuited white
going through hotel walls and exploding drums
but slept through the rest
I had to wake him up to drive me home. Which wasn't even my home.
You'd have to believe me even if you've heard worse
He married Janis, The Pearl, and she had the jewelry
to prove it. More ropes and dangles and beads than a treasure chest
and one precious bag of baby teeth from a groupie
She'd go do her county social work then come home in the old Saab
with the driver's side pushed in from some accident and the thick fix-it putty
on the door looked like Janis' cheeks
and her hair mostly covered it but he
would come in sweating from the deck stoned and horny
would brush it back and sing 'if they say I never loved you
you know they are a liar...'
And sometimes it would make her laugh see-through
like a snapping flag whipped by warm Tamalpais lofts
or she would hard line him
"Fuck, Jim —Did you actually work on the deck today?" and out came a bottle of Comfort
Jim and Janis lived in an A minus frame on a Marin slope
dusted grey eucalyptus no firebreak two cats a dog
and her 14 year old daughter Lisa, Janis had had her secretly in Port Arthur
who baby-sat me when she stayed home (she never did)
I was taken on as the neighborly obligation since my mom worked nights
(Jim and Janis both came from middle-class manners) so long as I behaved Mom said
but after school special kid I was, I could go back into her tiny teenage room
as if it were my personal vestal, chastised and excited
thrilled at going through absent Lisa's drawers (rule-lined notes refolded, heavily penned instructions for sex, sewing needles scabbed brown, foil bon-bons and pipes, bent brass screens) and pretending I was her
3 years younger I felt inadequate for my debutantage, lying on her bed under the Alice Cooper poster
smelling the warmed over yeast dregs from empty Lowenbraü bottles stacked in her window
watching dust blaze in the light through the narrow window the dusking light of prayer and reflection
gilding piles of girl clothes and a left-over shoe
wishing wishing wishing my breasts existed
Maybe I was never there?
Lots of people claim now they were there when it happened in 1970
but Jim says it was just Janis and she says it was a goddamned good thing
'He was plain out of his mind in a Greyhound waiting room, writhing and trying to climb pillars -I could have been a bulldagger with pure murder in my heart, ready to send this princey prick to his maker."
'Ah naww sugar, you never would have.' Jim chuckled 'I could see your heart. Pure as maidenhead butter...'
Now Janis laughs as drinks and smokes scatter the table and I am witness audience to the show, which draws in the dog who scratches under the rocking chair Jim sits in, his belly cradling a brown liquid bottle
Jim still writes and self-publishes but not in his name. There are books of his poetry in the bathroom
The Golden God Mr Mojo Risin Wild Child is a deck-builder. Free-lance.
'Dadmiral approves' he smirks 'but he doesn't know why I don't build houses while I'm at it. Decks just seem too incidental...'
Janis pours herself another drink from Jim's bottle, and he plays with the colorful necklaces that drape her neck.
'I love standing out on a cantilever, no railings, flying out there...'
They were stars in the sense of billboard charts and concert sell-outs
They were stars in the sense of the night sky and I was seeing their light arrive after the fact
Janis wanted love full-tilt, hip-checked and can't even play the game
more than a starving person dreams of a piece of buttered bread
Her muses aligned and told her to cut her heart and bleed
and from her blood she would distill desire into a perfume, a personal scent
From her voice she would
She had sung herself raw and cashed checks for hundreds of thousands of dollars
Drinking made her feel like a party it was only the money that kept the party going -all the boys she flirted with kept their eyes on the dealers and the sylphlike band girlfriends- a blowjob put her on her knees and she refused the gig (eventually) Sex was a strategem a studio track to be laid down a plane to catch a dozen phone calls and all of them eventually hung up
A gravemarker for Bessie felt like the only thing done right but it still felt cold
Her flask was just empty at midnight when she thought of scoring dope at the bus station
Jim had visions even without dilution and spoke them in type shared them
But no one had ears, seemingly blind too just wanting to feel his ass in tight leather
men and women felt along his seams 'Forget it, man -let's screw'
He had been at a large screening party and been given a Visine bottle and told it was liquid acid
He took multiple drops on his tongue, sniffed some
and finally dosed his eyes with the rest.
Hours later, Jim had arrived alone at the LA bus station
waiting for a bus which had his mind like luggage stowed and tagged.
With every arrival he awaited the porter while the shine on the blue plastic seats throbbed at him responded to his gaze enlarged inflated into organs and expelled shit and elongated and secreted a sheen as a godhead the celestial lingam burning long and orange quaking with jism and then he felt a wing brush his aura -his vision took in a enormous Sun God with fanned feathers and green and gold talons- It brought shade, even while it beamed with light and untouchable heat and he was its child its egg its treasure
'That was me,' Janis said, 'I stood over him. He was in a fetal position in the corner of the room next to the lockers and lookin' like a bad trip, so I thought I'd talk him through it...
(to be continued)
(to be continued)
May 25, 2012
Bukowski's Daughter
God damned veins pumping
all over the place
all over the place
I would have liked to see
that veiny bastard one more time
that veiny bastard one more time
Veiny vain vainglorious
frog-kick legs and Blake hair and mustard gas breath
frog-kick legs and Blake hair and mustard gas breath
Here I imagine the last call as
a death throw-swipe kick rausschmiss
a death throw-swipe kick rausschmiss
Some rauschfrei lullaby
sung in a thin blood
sung in a thin blood
Dad in the VW going to the Von's for Wolfschmidt
Driving on the sidewalk scattering people
A turtle shell with the tore-up turtle body coming out
(oh that make me sick to think about)
(oh that make me sick to think about)
He wrote me letters
always in the third person
(in his fake writers name)
always in the third person
(in his fake writers name)
Always telling me to read some same old text
by some monk or drug addict
by some monk or drug addict
No matter what he said
(or what the character he wrote as said)
he took it away at the end
(or what the character he wrote as said)
he took it away at the end
"What do I know?"
The only thing a daughter ever wants from a father
Is some reassurance
So I never knew anything either
Like what was his favorite day ever?
The card sorting and the memorization
Put the mail in the slot
-repeat for a million citizens
-repeat for a million citizens
Hands cut in pulp and bleach and glue and ink
When he quit something he thought
That's that
That's that
So a uterus is just another hostile place
A real dive
Women made him hard
(with a bone to pick)
(with a bone to pick)
But it was hard for him
I am made from
Like some petrified old tree stump
that no one remembers
that no one remembers
ever being a tree
the roots with knurls smooth and polished as cabriolets
I could imagine I had a father
and he and I sat together
and he and I sat together
"No one remembers when this was just fields"
The German blue eyes are just
filling with tears
when I smooth his hand on my dirndl
filling with tears
when I smooth his hand on my dirndl
The Voice Male
You are an enigma. You remain as a scar.
I know where you work. I could go there if I wanted to no one to stop me. I call the number on a weekend Hello. You've reached _. I must be away from my desk so please leave a message and I will return your call.
You are an enigma. You remain as a scar.
I know your style. I have sifted through thousands of names and key words on the Internet, shaking the swirl of life's catch-all. Panning for fool's gold.
You are an enigma. You remain as a scar.
I know how you look. A brief out of character public display, complete with pictures and the suggestion of a girlfriend. Or is this your fiancee? Do you still hate your mother? These are questions I have.
You are an enigma. You remain as a scar.
I know where you work. I could go there if I wanted to no one to stop me. I call the number on a weekend Hello. You've reached _. I must be away from my desk so please leave a message and I will return your call.
You are an enigma. You remain as a scar.
I know your style. I have sifted through thousands of names and key words on the Internet, shaking the swirl of life's catch-all. Panning for fool's gold.
You are an enigma. You remain as a scar.
I know how you look. A brief out of character public display, complete with pictures and the suggestion of a girlfriend. Or is this your fiancee? Do you still hate your mother? These are questions I have.
You are an enigma. You remain as a scar.
X-Why Curse
I could never imagine the ways that curses would lay on me. Heavy blankets, piled higher and denser every year. In trying to turn, you'll probably strain your neck or dislocate your knee.
No and yes. Sweat the toxins out in the leaden bed, but then you'll never want to lay down again. Fresh yeast skins will tear, releasing the bright smell that makes your eyes burn.
—You said, curses?
Oh over and over since I turned 12. Something unhappy in all my remaining time, comes from the line of unhappier women -my mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great. How was it these births kept happening? The dish ran away, the cow jumped over the moon. We all were aspirational -desirous of something bigger that we could never articulate.
And so -followed the curve of the cattle wall, down the chute, up the ladder to the stock-yard hammer: they all did this, my mothers before me. Which is how we kept poisoning the next, you see?
—You lost me.
One young love of mine, very Tennessee Williams in his way; pale, effeminate, dreamy. But stuck up to his thin neck in Oedipal torpor. He was as romantic as a Polish prince, destined to die by some random bullet. At least, that's how I called it -maybe he still lives, but likely damaged by drugs. I left him for a dorm room.
—He cursed you for having dreams.
Free-floating rancor surged from me, according to the philosopher, but he could make it sharper; more meaningful. I loved him for selecting me, chosen to share a cigarette, then a bed with and permission to listen to the deepest thoughts; to hide away with his genius; to turn away from others and their puerile attentions. I crossed a wire-wrapped boundary marker I thought was an embrace.
—He cursed you for having trust.
Another lover, I put myself above. At first I adored his sad comic emotions. Then I felt contempt for his depressions and his anger. His poet's delicacy was easy to mock, but in turning to acid one burns away feeling.
—He cursed you for having pride.
There was a tender musician who couldn't speak, and his muteness attracted me. I loved his eyes. I kept him in a box and then couldn't stand the silence.
—He cursed you for having focus.
My secret love was totally a sham. We ate and drank and fucked and plotted to live our lives as celebrities; as icons; as gods. He and I burned out, lacking oxygen and status.
—He cursed you for having a good time.
Now I ride a bus in my dreams all my ex something or others are in the bus too. It's not packed,
but 28 people (give or take)...
—You might exaggerate.
Most of whom don't know each other, and most all of whom do not enjoy my company --
we must bump along trying not to catch each other's eyes or accidentally slide over onto another person (it's an old Blue Bird type school bus, with the green vinylized bench seats).
—Where are you going?
I feel like it's my fault but what can i do or say? -how else does a 15 year old junior high school kid with the beginning stages of cystic acne, who I obsessed about for 2 years, show up on the same bus as the 23 year old shuttle driver from Alabama who gave me warts? Riding with each other. Ridden until someone ends the curse.
—Our time is up.
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